3 SEO New Years Resolutions For 2018

The new year is upon us, which means it’s around the time we all start talking about our new year’s resolutions. Sure, we could all stand to lose a few kilos – but let’s talk about our businesses. What can you resolve to do in 2018 to take your business to the next level? What can you do to draw more traffic to your business website, and in turn generate more leads and sales? If you’re in need of inspiration, we’ve got a few ideas for improving your SEO game for the new year:

1. Get More Backlinks

Arguably the most powerful and the most difficult thing you can do to improve your SEO is gain more backlinks to your site. Backlinks, in short, are links back to your site from other sites – and they’re important because they indicate that a site has quality content worth linking to. Google sees these backlinks and thinks, hey, we should rank this site higher because other sites are pointing to it. There are heaps of ways you can go about getting backlinks; check out this article by Backlinko (or really ANY article of theirs) for some ideas: 17 Untapped Backlink Sources

melbourne seo services Google Data Studio.

2. Check Your Stats

To a lot of people, Google Analytics is a big scary mystery that’s best avoided. But the reality is that there’s SO MUCH to be gleaned from it, you just have to know what to look for. In particular, Google Analytics is handy for seeing a breakdown of your traffic (i.e. how much of it is organic, or coming from search engines), and finding out which of your pages are viewed the most. And Google Search Console is a lesser-known, but equally important tool that offers more granular detail on specific keywords that your website is ranking for. Once you have both Analytics and Search Console properly configured, you can pull them both into Google Data Studio and view the most important stats through some pre-made dashboards, which makes all those Analytics stats a bit easier to chew. Check out these articles we’ve written for more details:

3. Write More Content

It’s no secret that Google loves quality content. Therefore, one of the best things you can do for your site’s SEO is to produce high quality content at regular intervals. It’s simply not enough to build a static website that you never update, optimise it, and expect to rank #1 for your chosen keywords. It’s probably not going to hold a high rank for very long when there are other similar sites out there that are churning out awesome new content on the regular. So in 2018, make it a priority to revamp your website’s service pages and re-optimise them. Take it a step further by adding a blog page to your site and publishing new blog posts regularly, preferably about topics directly relating to the keywords you are optimising for. Check out these articles we’ve written about blogging:

Rock Solid Marketing provides Mildura & Melbourne SEO services. Contact us to learn more about how to set your website up for SEO success in the new year!

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