SEO Services Success Story: BlueBox Solutions

Following our recent SEO services success story on how we’ve helped Schoolfurn climb the Google rankings for various school furniture-related keywords, we’d also like to share how our SEO services have helped another of our clients succeed.

We’re currently working with BlueBox Solutions, a Sharepoint solutions provider in Perth that does document management, workflow solutions, and intranet portals, all using Microsoft Sharepoint. They were already working with some keyword phrases, but turned to us to better incorporate them into their very-robust site.

In the past month, they’ve seen their visibility triple after our SEO efforts. Here’s a look at what we’ve done for them:


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SEO Services for BlueBox Solutions

First, we examined the keyword phrases that BlueBox was currently ranking for when we began working with them a couple months ago and fleshed them out, adding additional related keyword phrases that were variations on them.

Then, we got to work with the on-page optimization. One thing that BlueBox has done well is building a text-heavy site that utilizes both pages and blog posts. Our goal is to optimize their site to ensure that Google knows about all of their relevant, helpful website content and ranks it accordingly in search. It’s a lot easier to succeed when the content is already in place, but fear not: we also offer copywriting services to any of our web and SEO clients that need more copy written for their website (which we’ll then optimize, of course!).

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After 2 months of solid SEO work, BlueBox Solutions now has 6 keywords in the Top 10 (meaning the BlueBox site shows up on the first page of Google for those 6 searches) – and 3 of these are in the Top 3.

They are establishing themselves as a Sharepoint authority the more (and more highly) their Sharepoint-related keywords are ranked. BUT, they’re also ranking for a few of their specific services, e.g. document management, workflow and form solutions, and intranet portals, which diversifies their SEO portfolio quite nicely.

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About a month after our first round of SEO services, BlueBox started to steadily ascend the SEO rankings for their selected keyword phrases, slowly distancing themselves from their competitors. Now, they’ve made a huge leap to 6% visibility and outrank most of their competitors on nearly all of their keywords, thanks to our SEO services. 

Rock Solid Marketing provide SEO services in Mildura and Australia-wide. Contact us to learn more about how to set your website up for SEO success!

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