Website Design

Reach your audience & get measurable results with a new website

At Rock Solid Marketing, we understand how vital it is to get visitors to your site. Not only are we are experts in making this happen, we know what your customers are looking for and how to give them the nurturing they need and expect throughout their buying journey. We believe, from the first click to the last, your website must be a pleasant and rewarding experience.

Your website is the center of your digital presence.

It’s one of the few places on the internet where you can deliver your brand’s message free of distortion or distraction. Rock Solid Marketing’s Mildura web design services are perfect for brands at any stage. Our web development team can help you build your brand’s website from the ground up. We specialise in building websites that tell a unique brand story while meeting the expectations of today’s most discerning consumers.

If your website is already built but isn’t performing to expectations, we can perform a detailed audit and work with you to improve site architecture, design, and responsiveness.

Through intelligent design and development, we create websites that reach your audience, encompass your brand voice, and get real, measurable results.

Your website is a major point of call for your business – it’s the face of your brand.

We can create a site that not only looks good, but is functional, easy to navigate, search engine friendly, easy to read, and engaging. The back end also needs to be flawless; this includes correct links, descriptions, and metadata.

We will ensure that your customers easily find your site, are engaged with your offerings, and become returning visitors.

Website Package Features

We use a content management system that allows you to have full access to your site. You can make updates and changes any time you like.

Are Google and your website the best of friends?

No matter how beautiful your website is, it can’t possibly reach its full potential if nobody ever sees it.

We use the latest and most effective SEO methods to improve the visibility of your website in search engine results.

Your website needs to be unique and true to your brand. We will never use run-of-the-mill web templates. Your website will be tailored to your business’ individual and unique needs.

We ensure your site is easy to navigate, has quick load times and all the links are functional.

You can choose to source your own or use our Rock Solid web hosting service.

Our Australian based hosting solutions are tier 4 which are the most secure and efficient available.

Having an online store allows your business to be open for sales 24/7. We create online stores (e- commerce) that give your customers a smooth, secure user experience and friction-less transition that keeps them coming back for more.

With smartphones becoming the most popular device for browsing online, it is essential that your business has a mobile-friendly responsive site. All our websites are designed to operate seamlessly on both Desktop and Mobile devices.

We believe our expertise will translate to positive growth for your brand.

All of our website designs are flexible and set up in order to cater for imminent expansion.

We provide you with insights on how your website is performing and explain it to you in layman’s terms – without any unnecessary and confusing jargon. These insights enable us to develop targeted and tailored new strategies towards your brand objectives.

We love developing and writing engaging copy and imagery that demands attention. Let us help you with well written content, professional photos of your products, corporate head- shots and video production.



Let’s start by scheduling a free 30-minute discovery call so we can get to know each other and see if we’re a good fit for your digital marketing needs.

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