Increase Keyword Rankings, Leads, & Sales with Search Engine Optimisation

SEO is the difference between your potential customers ranking you as their first choice, or not even knowing you exist.

Think about it in terms of digital real estate, you want your office space or shop front to be in the best location. You want foot traffic, but you want quality traffic – people that engage in your offerings. You also want them to see your brand in a positive light.

That’s exactly what we do at Rock Solid Marketing. We pluck your business out of ‘no-wheres-ville’ and place it in a location where the people who need you can find you at exactly the right time.

With effective SEO, your brand will be visible online for being trustworthy and an industry leader. In the marketing world this is called building Brand Authority.

The more authority your brand has online, the higher Google will rank your website in the search engine results and the more easily your business will be found!

We work to ensure you have a positive online reputation by strategically securing online placement of authoritative ‘links’ and ‘mentions’ on high quality websites relevant to your industry, honest reviews, and social media mentions. This will not only improve your rankings, but also deliver you more targeted traffic.

Rock Solid Marketing believes that SEO is a holistic approach. Being a full suite marketing agency, we have many talents working together to not only get you in a top spot but more importantly keep you there.

Why use our SEO services?

  • Monthly reporting
  • Quality Content
  • No lock-in contracts
  • No exit or cancellation fees
  • 100% GOOGLE compliant
  • Rock Solid service
  • Attract high intent traffic

Our SEO generates a Rock Solid sustainable lead-generation engine for your company.
We attract relevant, targeted traffic, not hop-on-and-go-again visitors.

In Depth Reporting

Your dashboard will be customised to your business’ needs. You will have full access to it 24/7.

Vital information about how your website is performing against our agreed metrics is shown, things like; Average page loading times, Pages per session, Bounce rates, Backlinks

Keyword rankings, Organic traffic, Click through rates (CTR) and Leads and sales. And we’ll walk you through all the reporting beforehand, using no techy jargon so you can make sense of what you’re looking at when reporting is in full flight.

Educational Support

SEO can sound like rocket science, but we simplify it so anyone can understand it. We can teach you about the activities and techniques will be using to improve your SEO. Your questions and feedback are always welcome.

We love to see you empowered with knowledge.

Ongoing Success

We give you an outline of the necessary steps needed to improve your campaign results.

We want you to succeed and for this to happen your SEO needs to be an ongoing process. This is because Google constantly changes its search algorithms (to keep us all on our toes!) and they don’t disclose the changes. With these changes, we must adapt and continue to optimise on our end. It’s a continual learning process for everyone.


As with every service we offer, when your hire us, we are 100% on your team. Our goal is to get you results and we are not satisfied until that happens – and even then we don’t take our foot off the accelerator…


Our open communication methods give you total transparency over what we are doing for you, for the fee we charge.

Shall we also mention the keyword report from SEMrush that we send monthly?

On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO

When your customers are typing their keywords into the search bar, On-page SEO helps search engines determine if the content on your site is relevant to the customer’s search. We also refer to this as being “search engine friendly”. SEO copywriting is an important part of On-page SEO, as it ensures high quality content centred around keywords for which you’re wanting to rank.

Through On-page SEO, we ensure your website meets all the requirements of a search engine friendly site, including;

  • Improving load speed and site architecture
  • Fixing any errors that arise
  • Concise headings, descriptions and tags
  • Quality unique content, quality content that achieves your SEO outcomes
  • Optimising images and keywords, web page copy, URLs, robots.txt, XML sitemaps, meta data etc.
  • Cohesive internal link structuring

On-page SEO activities account for around 20% of your SEO success.

Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO builds authority in your industry and includes any activity that increases awareness and refers traffic to your site, from other sites.

Examples of Off-page SEO:

  • Guest posts
  • Commenting on a post
  • Article submissions
  • Directory submissions
  • Video submissions
  • Social media post shares
  • Mentions and referral links on other websites.

Google’s search algorithm favours relevant, authoritative, trustworthy content.

For someone to share the contents of your site or mention your brand, it indicates to Google that you are trustworthy and have authority in your industry. It lets Google know that your website is relevant to those searching, so they rank you higher.

Off-page SEO activities carry slightly over 50% weight in ranking signals.

The more quality backlinks a page has, the more search traffic it gets from Google. Note that we said quality – you don’t want any backlinks from spammy or irrelevant sites!

91% of all pages don’t ever get organic traffic from Google, mostly due to the fact they don’t have backlinks.

Other Vital SEO Activities

Local SEO

We’ve established how important it is to market your business online, but did you know that the locality of that marketing is also vital to its success?

A staggering 46% of all Google searches are looking for local information. 88% of those local business searches on a mobile device either call or visit the business within 24 hours. (Nectafy)

We’re here to help increase your business’ visibility in targeted local areas, whether that be one or several locations. Our local SEO services showcase your offerings to people in your local area, when they are actively looking for your service offerings. 

Google My Business and Google Maps

We know 46% of searches have a ‘local intent’, but did you know 56% of local retailers haven’t even claimed their Google My Business listing?

Google My Business is the cornerstone of Local SEO. It is vital that you sign up for a Google My Business listing so that your business shows up when people search on Google Maps. Leave it to us to work our SEO magic on it!


88% of consumer local business searches on a mobile device either call or visit the business within 24 hours. (Nectafy)

46% of all searches on Google are seeking local information.

97% searched online to find a local business.

46% of voice search users look for a local business daily – 27% visit the website of a local business after conducting a voice search.


Mobile SEO

Google penalises sites that are not mobile friendly. Search engines use a Mobile-first Index and rank results based on the mobile version of the page, even if you are searching on a desktop. So if your website is not mobile friendly, it’s going to have a difficult time ranking on Google. Leave it to us to ensure that your website looks as good and functions as well on both mobile and desktop devices.

Voice SEO

It’s becoming more and more important to optimise your website to respond to voice commands, and here’s why:

  • Speech recognition is used to understand a request a person makes, Google then tries to find an online match to that query.
  • When used on a mobile device, this directs to a webpage, smart speakers are likely to read out the best match to the user’s
  • People use different terms for voice search than they do for a traditional written search, so old style keywords aren’t going to cut it. Let us take the guess work away from you in determining what keywords will work best.
  • Voice searches are 1% longer than text-based searches.
  • One-fifth of the queries on Google are voice searches

Internal linking throughout your website 

Another on page SEO technique that we use is internal linking. This is the process of linking content on one page of your website to another relevant page on your site. It enhances your customer’s journey by navigating them towards content they are interested in and keeping them moving through your website, rather than visiting just one page and leaving. It also creates a web out of the many pages of your website, which helps make more of your content visible to Google.

It is important to ensure that the technique is done strategically and does not steer your customers on the wrong track. We ensure this connection will benefit the reader in their journey on your site.

Digital PR for SEO

Digital PR is an Off-page SEO service that prioritises backlinks, brand mentions, and brand awareness online.

We reach your customers by featuring your company on the websites they love, their social media hangouts and the podcasts and videos they stream. A localised strategy will see you featured in publications focused on your local area. This could be a local newspaper, local events, charities or blogs and reviews.

We network with journalists, digital influencers, content marketing managers and website owners to gain high-quality backlinks, social media mentions and honest reviews. We strategically secure online placements and focus on acquiring authoritative links and mentions from high quality and relevant websites in your niche. Google values and places much emphasis on these authoritative, relevant external links and will rank you higher for your efforts. We aim to not only improve your rankings, but also deliver you more targeted traffic.

Digital PR builds brand awareness and positive brand personas. When your customers type your company’s name into a search engine, they will mostly only see positive things about your brand.  Why is this good for SEO?

Trends suggest that Google prefers strong brands and this makes sense, since a “brand” is the hardest thing to manipulate online.

Digital PR offers measurable results. You can track the outcome, as every link can be analysed to find out how many people clicked on what and when, which enables greater understanding of what type of content your target audience responds to and which sites are working for you

create value
We partner with you to deliver a solid return on your marketing investment and create more value for your business.
simplify process
We provide clarity and understanding at each phase of the process from research, strategies to executional plans and roadmaps.
measure results
We work with you to define what success looks like, to align and report on these metrics for exponential growth.