SEO Success Story: Heat Systems’ Google Featured Snippet

The Rock Solid Marketing team is thrilled to share that another of our clients has achieved a featured snipped on Google! Congratulations to Heat Systems for reaching the elusive Position Zero for their keyword term “carbon regeneration kilns”.   Our SEO specialist has been focusing their optimising efforts on carbon-related keywords for Heat Systems in

SEO Success Story: Heat Systems’ Google Featured Snippet Read More »

Why Can’t Marketers Just Explain What They Do in a Way That Makes Sense?

Great, you’re a ‘marketer’ but what does that actually mean? I’m sure many of you have walked away from a long-winded marketing meeting, scratching your head wondering exactly that! We are all confused because marketing, as an industry, is in transition. Think back to days gone by when if you had a health concern you

Why Can’t Marketers Just Explain What They Do in a Way That Makes Sense? Read More »

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